Перевод: egoistic
[прилагательное] эгоистичный; эгоистический
- Moreover, as interpreters of animal behaviour we have our own convenience to consider; to dissolve species (and human societies too, as in classical economics) into uniformly egoistic atoms offers much the best prospect of finding simple laws to apply to them.
- Even granted that everyone, for example, finds pleasure beneficial, to judge an inclination egoistic because achievement of its goal gives the agent pleasure would be vacuous, because whatever his goals he will be pleased if he succeeds, sorry if he fails.
- But if one starts from the spontaneous inclination itself, the question arises whether it makes sense to call it egoistic before it has been chosen in terms of the agent's own standards for the beneficial.
- Although first reactions to Linnaeus were usually unfavourable, on account of his egoistic nature, his visit helped to create an understanding on which goodwill and confidence were built, and his system of classification, based on the number of sexual parts in the flowers, became generally accepted within the next thirty years.
- With the breakdown of faith in the fundamental rationality of man we no longer ask, for example, whether the drives of Freud's Id and Super-ego are to be classed as egoistic, or see a puzzling self-contradiction in masochism.
- Sadism is not an inherently egoistic drive, rather it is the assertive phase of a drive which may also be submissive even in the same person.
- As long as we start from the conception of a rational agent, it appears easy to decide whether an inclination is egoistic; it will be so if its goal by the agent's own standards is beneficial to himself.
- But with the glorification of competition by capitalism it has come to seem natural to think of ourselves as fundamentally egoistic.
- However, after attention lapses he can retain his insights into another person, and use them in choices of means, without abandoning his long-term egoistic ends for the altruistic goals to which he briefly felt himself drawn; he can therefore claim to have obeyed "Be aware" without ceasing to be an egoist.
- Egoistic traits may be expected to survive if they benefit also the descendants which inherit them, to be weeded out if they benefit the individual at the expense of its offspring (for example, cannibalizing its brood, or long outlasting its reproductive powers); altruistic traits will tend to survive if they benefit kin which are also transmitting them (in particular, the mother's protection of her young), to die out if they give the advantage to strangers which are not.
- It is not something impelled like a machine by a little egoistic inside"; and again, "deadness, in the limited sense in which we use that word, is the first condition of art.
- There is however one kind of inclination which may legitimately be classed as inherently egoistic or altruistic, the biological drive either to self-preservation or to preservation of offspring or others.
- The document says it is impossible not to notice how society, for the most part, makes human sexuality banal, since it interprets it in a reduced and impoverished way, "connecting it only with the body and egoistic pleasure".
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