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Перевод: egotism speek egotism

самомнение; самовлюбленность ; эготизм


  1. Perhaps, too, the darker minds, full of rancour and disharmony, anger, lust, egotism, greed and intense attachment to the things of this world, takes the hell it experienced in physical life into its own world of mental hell when deprived of the physical form.
  2. A great deal of nonsense has been spoken and written in recent years concerning his lordship and the prominent role he came to play in great affairs, and some utterly ignorant reports have had it that he was motivated by egotism or else arrogance.
  3. Such simple lovers are not so simple and their love can lead them to one of the profoundest insights of religion, for such love requires an abandonment of selfishness and egotism, and these people are far advanced on the spiritual roads.
  4. On the other hand, the Christians (who could also echo the philosophers' sentiments) read the story of the Fall of Adam and Eve as implying a flaw in human sexuality, not necessarily as a cause of sin but as a prime expression of selfish egotism.
  5. It also promotes a neurotic insecurity, reflected in the sillier newspaper headlines - "Briton insulted on the Costa Brava" or vicarious triumphs of infantile egotism ("Krauts firmly put down").
  6. For every Cardinal Newman there are hundreds for whom such words might be better described as egotism or pig-headedness.
  7. This person, I thought, is what a woman should look like: this figure sitting opposite me with food and drink and companions manages to represent without acquired coquetry or self-diminishing selfconsciousness the very essence of femininity, the quality bestowed in at least some measure upon mother, sister, wife, daughter, the power which in its apparent passivity is most naturally creative and dynamic, the sweetness which belongs to the rhythms of earth and moon and song and dance, the ideal which tempers the brutishness and vulgarity and wanton egotism of man as he plunders our planet, napalms distant villages, pollutes the great oceans and corrupts every healing dream that has ever been wrenched by noble minds out of the bleak absurdities of this brief and cruel existence.
  8. Then more words about his own father who had taken his own life, then retracting words, self-hating words, words weaving webs around his own egotism, then words that made no sense to the listener, words he himself was unaware of uttering as the tears wiped out reason.
  9. "This person, I thought, is what a woman should look like: this figure sitting opposite me with food and drink and companions manages to represent without acquired coquetry or self-diminishing self-consciousness the very essence of femininity, the quality bestowed in at least some measure upon mother, sister, wife, daughter, the power which in its apparent passivity is most naturally creative and dynamic, the sweetness which belongs to the rhythms of earth and moon and song and dance, the ideal which tempers the brutishness and vulgarity and wanton egotism of man as he plunders our planet, napalms distant villages, pollutes the great oceans and corrupts every healing dream that has ever been wrenched by noble minds out of the bleak absurdities of this brief and cruel existence.
  10. The child thus learns to distrust his or her own perceptions - both sensory and inward - moving further and further into emotional isolation, playing out games of egotism and conventional social ritual as a substitute for real life, consciousness and direct perception.
  11. He leaves the audience in no doubt of the character's heartless egotism and yet you find yourself warming to his sheer vitality.
  12. is this extensive egotism preferable to the scheme of collective improvement drawn up by good songs?
  13. Berger impersonates her to a fault, both in the superb egotism of female love - "It is painful for us to judge the man we've taken, for he's already ours, like a son" - and in the certitudes of peasant thinking: "I will tell you which men deserve our respect

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