e ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey

Перевод: egret speek egret

белая цапля; эгрет ; эгретка ; головка одуванчика


  1. Over the years I've been lucky enough to see pine martens, golden eagles, otters, blue hares, foxes and a huge variety of birds, including a snowy egret at Torridon, wildly off course from its African and European haunts.
  2. LITTLE EGRET - Egretta garzetta
  3. PSR1509-;58 has recently been seen at -ray energies below 2MeV by the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO), and the high-energy -ray source Geminga (2CG195+04) has been found by EGRET to have periodic emission characteristic of an isolated pulsar.
  4. These provide nesting cover for the larger birds such as the painted storks, spotted-billed pelicans, spoonbills, white ibises, open-bill storks, four species of heron, three egret species, the chestnut bittern, the Indian darter, little cormorants and Indian shags.
  5. Parrots should have been swooping, tree to tree, in search of breakfast; toucan, egret, cormorants, heron, trogons.
  6. Shoreline dwellers: a king crab (top left), not a crab at all but a prehistoric member of the spider family; spider crabs (top right) and a crab-hunting reef egret.
  7. But the young fish still suffer and stocks are dwindling, so that fish-eating birds such as the reef egret are decreasing in numbers.
  8. CATTLE EGRET - Bubulcus ibis
  9. EGRET has the conventional components used in high-energy -ray telescopes: an anticoincidence system to discriminate against charged particles, a spark chamber system with interspersed pair conversion material to determine the trajectories of the secondary electron-positron pair, a triggering telescope that detects the presence of charged particles with the correct direction of motion, and an energy-measuring device, which in the case of EGRET is a NaI(Tl) crystal.
  10. Using the Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory satellite, we have detected pulsed -radiation, above 100MeV in energy, from a fourth radio pulsar, PSR1706-;44.
  11. These include water birds such as Swinhoe's egret and the Asian dowitcher and reptiles such as the Burmese python.
  12. Cattle egret in full breeding plumage at Kumana (above).
  13. One hundred and eighty-six different species of birds have been noted at Strathbeg, including rarities such as Caspian tern, little egret, crane, pied-billed grebe and red-footed falcon; amongst nesting residents are shelduck, mallard, tufted duck, secretive water rail, sedge and willow warbler, black-bibbed reed bunting and diminutive wren.

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