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Перевод: elemental speek elemental

стихийный; сильный; неудержимый; основной; изначальный; простой


  1. With regard to pay, the benefit to management of de-skilling so that the elements of a job are fragmented into their constituent elements is that those elemental jobs can be assigned to those with skills, and hence pay rates, to match them.
  2. Each leaf makes contact with the air, and anyone who has been in a grove of beech trees on a windy night can have no doubt as to the elemental attribution of the tree.
  3. The 100x100m maps are shown in false colour, with yellow representing the highest elemental concentration and blue the lowest.
  4. Meanwhile Palmer was experimenting with different electrolytesacids and alkalis that carry the current through the cell - including sodium hydroxide, sulphuric acid and traces of other impurities in attempts to mimic the elemental make-up of seawater in the presence of minerals.
  5. (1) The shape of the core and associated corona from the STIM image is consistent with the optical images in stained sections; (2) the core is more dense than the corona, which in turn is more dense than the surrounding tissue; (3) the elemental distribution of the plaque as measured by PIXE and RBS shows similar minor and major elemental composition to those analysed in stained plaques, that is, increased levels of elemental sulphur, phosphorus and nitrogen; and (4) examination of stained serial sections shows similar plaque density per area of tissue, and the plaques are located in a similar position with respect to more obvious common features such as blood vessels.
  6. These are designated sup12; C, sup13; C and sup14; C in scientific notation, the letter C being the symbol for elemental carbon and the isotopes having atomic weights 12, 13 and 14 respectively.
  7. The unique features for elemental analysis are the direct monitoring of surface hydrogen and the extreme sensitivity to the outermost atomic layers.
  8. For additional isotope and elemental data see refs 9 and 11.
  9. One might surmise that this is because they represent elemental features from which all other structures are compounded and so constitute basic units of mental processing from which all learning proceeds.
  10. Figure 2 shows a typical STIM image of a plaque in unstained tissue, together with the corresponding elemental maps of S, P, C and N. The results of analyses on unstained tissue is shown in Table 2, which indicates that aluminium was not observed in any of the neuritic plaque cores scanned, at a sensitivity of 15p.p.m.
  11. The Fiend is an elemental entity of Evil from the Warp, which can be magically bound and commanded in various ways by powerful Evil wizards.
  12. The result suggests elemental masses, drifts flows.
  13. He kept replaying the scene in his head when Zambia stood before him, wreathed to hir chest in tangled rats'-tails, an urchin elemental, and removed hir clothes.

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