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Перевод: encumber speek encumber

затруднять; препятствовать; мешать; загромождать; обременять; быть обузой


  1. This was to assist the layers of the king's soul to break free and find their proper places, so as not to encumber his final space-flight.
  2. Such a document, like a quality assurance statement, should be designed to clarify processes and responsibilities rather than to encumber with over-elaboration.
  3. It seems that if Caribbean parents are not too preoccupied with the "struggle" to bring their kids up, and there is every reason to believe that, due to the aftermath of migration, familial ruptures and large, possibly unmanageable families, it is a struggle, they are so eager to compensate for their own lack of education that they encumber their children with over-ambitious objectives backed by inflexible, often demoralizing, discipline.
  4. I would have been content then to die myself, rather than take my body back eventually to encumber the continents with yet another corpse.

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