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Перевод: famished speek famished

голодный; изголодавшийся


  1. If we'd been looking for an easy acquaintance with nature, we would have chosen a different landscape: something lusher and more intricate, not this bleak and famished hillside on the Atlantic's edge.
  2. I was famished.
  3. This done, I ventured out into Gteborg, still famished.
  4. True, his western armies were pushing forward rapidly as planned, but danger lay even in this, for the troops were becoming exhausted and famished as they moved far ahead of their supply trains.
  5. He had little chance; the Revolutionary Guards at the airport, famished by Ramadan, took it away and ate it.
  6. I was famished, having had no food or sleep for thirty hours.
  7. I'm famished.
  8. "I'm famished!"
  9. "The hotel bar was closed and we were all famished so it seemed like a good idea to trek down to the local "pub" to search out a few sarnies," says Gedge.
  10. It's another day, I have slept for more than ten hours and am now famished as I follow the smell of cooking to a spot behind the barn.
  11. I fed that famished mouth my ambergris.
  12. Yet he too was also at least a little famished; and he did appreciate cuisine.
  13. "Tiny famished.

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