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Перевод: fan speek fan

веер ; опахало; вентилятор ; крыло ветряной мельницы; лопасть ; веялка ; поклонник ; любитель ; болельщик ; энтузиаст ;
обмахивать; раздувать; раздуть; разжигать (войну); освежать; овевать; обвевать; веять [с.-х.]; развертывать веером; обыскивать


  1. In Manchester this revelation caused many a disgruntled fan to spout off about pop stars and their separation from former values.
  2. He was a brave goalkeeper and every Palace fan rued the day when it was announced that he would have to give up his career.
  3. Within weeks, Time Out had an article written by London playwright and football fan Mick Mahoney who got it right when he pointed out that "if Nike brought out a crocodile-skin trainer for 140, it would be a smash".
  4. Although called a chapel, the building is more like a cathedral in scale, with its awe-inspiring and lofty interior terminating in a remarkable fan vault, the largest in the world, and its wonderfully delicate detailing belying its weight of almost 2000 tonnes.
  5. Morrissey also took a swipe, albeit briefly, at fan adoration.
  6. Most military vehicles have different springs shock absorbers, lights, water pumps, fan belts and, more noticeably, body panels.
  7. A fan of Arthur Rimbaud and The Velvet Underground, his band The Centre are responsible for some of the best rock produced in the Soviet Union, and also for introducing Moscow to punk and new wave music.
  8. "The scarves are being used to fan the age-old fear of the Arab which has been dormant - simmering - since the Algerian war."
  9. ACCORDING to one customer of Barclays Bank in Guildford, managers have been following freezing clients around with fan heaters, explaining: "It's because the heating is controlled by a central computer."
  10. One young fan shows the world what he thinks of it.
  11. Here are the hauntingly beautiful lakes, Llyn y fan fawr and Lyn y fan fach and the windswept ridge of Fan Hir.
  12. But you might be a fixed bridge fan.
  13. They linked widely diverse groups into a network, joined communities facing common problems, educated local leaders, and served as their own spark to fan social change.

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