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Перевод: farming

сельское хозяйство; сдача в аренду; сдача на откуп; откуп ; фермерство


  1. Another area is farming rare species.
  2. Security in any situation can never be guaranteed but the security that farming provided was obviously appreciated.
  3. Like others in his position, he wants to continue farming but has to question the logic and timing of a considerable investment.
  4. After he leave school he had set up some sort of agricultural commune thing, he was always a man like that, saying we were people must make the most of we community skills and thing, but he get squeeze in that farming business and last I hear of him he had gone in the hills and become a guerrilla.
  5. In the past, the system of tenant farming offered no incentives for people to look after their land.
  6. Soames, a doughty trencherman who always gives the Simpson's beef trolley a good run for its money, should go down well with the farming community.
  7. Many of these people are migrants from the lowlands, where most of the country's agriculture is located, who have little money to invest to ensure success in the longer term and who lack security of tenure to make farming the heritage enterprise that it is in many nations.
  8. Pre-harvest is the silly season for meetings in France, writes Tim Green, and we are bombarded with invitations to attend meetings for all manner of services allied to farming.
  9. In the Fylde poultry farming is a speciality.
  10. Farming
  11. The main farming activity was livestock production so that two-thirds of the total farm income derived from livestock.
  12. The latter is a term used to refer to former "white" areas of pre-independence Zimbabwe and are commercial farmlands, while the Communal Lands are peasant farming areas, of which nearly 27 per cent are subject to extensive or very extensive erosion, which compares with only 1.6 per cent of the General Lands.
  13. On page 5 you will see details of a new invention competition being run by Power Farming and Farmers Weekly .

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