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Перевод: fated

предопределенный; обреченный


  1. America is fated by politics and economics at home to find willing backers abroad for its plans; it is doomed by continuing Soviet military might to have an eye always on Moscow.
  2. Cook may have sensed that, like a cloud of anti-matter, he was fated to destroy whatever he discovered.
  3. The regime was fated to end badly for both participants - but whose the greater fault remains a matter for debate.
  4. Lermontov, for his part, was a character out of Byron, and so was Pechorin, the "hero of our time" in Lermontov's novel of 1839, one of those people "who are fated to attract all kinds of unusual things".
  5. From its early involvement in the fated Windscale piles, the UKAEA has been responsible for most of the key decisions in the history of British nuclear technology.
  6. Here were two future leaders of the Church of England, the one a man of supreme common sense, the other a mystic; the one a conservative and establishment-man, the other a liberal and a reformer - they were fated never to understand each other.
  7. These, too, had been fated, Wexford's broken by a pretty young woman who was helping him with his enquiries and Burden's one day inadvertently put out with the rubbish.
  8. But he was still fated not to complete his voyage without problems.
  9. Although all of this must sound rather grim and depressing, in actual fact almost everything that happens now is fated - even written in the stars, as they say.
  10. Any girls born that year would, by tradition, have been fated to make men unhappy, and would thus have been hard to marry off.
  11. Fearing another embarrassing incident, in his short and fated career as West Ham manager, Lou Macari, still reeling from the Swindon financial controversies, slapped a huge fine on McAvennie.
  12. It is difficult to move out from home, to pay for furniture and heat, so young people are almost fated not to get enough money.
  13. Cat and mouse has no less force, in this fated relationship, than moth and candle-flame.

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