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Перевод: fattening speek fattening

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  2. The town has many shops and pavement cafes, which as well as serving delicious cold beer, offer sinfully fattening cakes, pastries and ice-creams.
  3. "She'll have to go down in the fattening fields with the cows."
  4. Barley is grown for malting in the manufacture of beer and whisky and for animal feed, particularly the fattening of pigs and intensively reared beef.
  5. They are generally broadcast with rape in midsummer as a nurse crop for a grass ley, and grazed off before Christmas for fattening lambs.
  6. Like potatoes and bread, pasta is no longer regarded as fattening.
  7. Soil and climate, which should be taken together, determine the land potential (see Chapter 2) and largely dictate the main types of farming - arable, stock-rearing, fattening, dairying, etc. - that are most likely to be viable.
  8. Many of these areas lie too wet in winter for arable farming, and thus lend themselves to bought-in herds of cattle for summer fattening.
  9. In 1982, 6,737 farms were predominantly livestock rearing and fattening units.
  10. Those persistent but slightly fattening habits which are the key to your weight problem could be: having "densely packed" calories at meals (that means having a lot of fat, either visible such as butter on your bread or invisible like butter in a cake); snacking in between meals, especially if those snacks include cream, alcohol and sugar; and not expending energy with exercise to use up the calories.
  11. The breeding, rearing, or fattening of beef cattle can be viable in the right conditions, although it is hard to make a profit on a very small scale.
  12. The most famous of these fattening pastures are in Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, and Rutland; others are in North Somerset, parts of Norfolk, the Severn Valley, Northumberland, and eastern Scotland.
  13. Uncle Knacker owned three fattening fields between two arterials half a mile down from the "Red Lion".

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