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Перевод: feet

ноги ; стопы ; лапы


  1. He had to be able to perform even though already "at this young age he had a realistic approach to his future and with his "banana feet" realized that he could not become a danseur noble and that his great interest was in choreography.
  2. They must have penetrated twenty feet into the passage, and there was still no hint of an end within reach.
  3. Ondine, the sea nymph (Margot Fonteyn) so used her feet that she appeared always to float through water.
  4. He got to his feet.
  5. The edge of the lawn, it seems, is two feet further.
  6. The two Americans leapt to their feet.
  7. When she was within a few feet of the ground, the cat leapt from her and rubbed itself against its mistress's legs.
  8. He threw what remained in his glass down his throat, and lurched to his feet.
  9. Nor is it the case that the Federal Republic is using the issue of democratic accountability to drag its feet on EMU.
  10. By this time he had hold of Liam's feet and was pulling.
  11. "Lewis," the other one rose to his feet and extended his hand.
  12. Vertical pitches descend 250 feet to an immense cavern, second in dimensions only to the chamber in Gaping Gill.
  13. In one movement she was on her feet and en route for the drinks table.

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