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Перевод: felicitous speek felicitous

удачный; подходящий; уместный


  1. Not a term I would use myself, since I do not find it particularly felicitous.
  2. A second variable is the syntactic relation which holds between individual atomic descriptions, so conjoining atomic individuals through the use of and , for instance, is taken as a very strong influence in bringing about felicitous plural reference.
  3. Achieve felicitous or striking effects, eg by the choice of unusual, apt and vivid vocabulary , showing some evidence of a personal style.
  4. Although the dust jacket tell us virtually nothing about his career and qualifications, Frossard clearly has close knowledge of the contemporary literature of pure and applied human genetics, and he writes with felicitous clarity.
  5. Jamila was soon in the felicitous position of neither liking nor disliking her husband.
  6. Here Randolph Henry Ash had come, cramming his elastic mind and memory with unconsidered trifles from History and Topography, from the felicitous alphabetical conjunctions of Science and Miscellaneous - Dancing, Deaf and Dumb, Death, Dentistry, Devil and Demonology, Distribution, Dogs, Domestic Servants, Dreams.
  7. Anathema as it may be to Welsh Rugby Union ears, this was something they realised at Twickenham at least five years ago and we have all seen the felicitous results.
  8. Hatred and fear of women is not new and is overt in religions, so much so that the evolvement of codes of courtesy to the female has been felicitous.
  9. Despite his frequent boasts about the progress made under his rule, Ceauescu was turning Romania into a steadily "under-developing nation" (to use Alec DouglasHome's felicitous phrase) and taking it backwards.
  10. Guscott's, set up by a break by Brendan Mullin, was a felicitous product of the renewal of the Lions centre pairing who did so well in Paris last week.
  11. This line of reasoning is intended to provide a means for felicitous plural and singular pronominal reference under appropriate circumstances.
  12. Given these qualifications, broad categories of value are locative - names derived from place-names or topographical features; of relationship - names of fathers or mothers, with additional syllables, pet names, font names and diminutives; occupational and social status - indications of trade, calling or office, carried down the centuries, often in mutilated or garbled form; nicknames - tags and sobriquets which were sufficiently distinctive, felicitous and pronounceable as to stand the test of time.
  13. Botanists suggested that by some felicitous intuition the Italian planter had chosen specimens with properties that facilitated each other's growth.

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