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Перевод: filler speek filler

наполнитель ; то, что заполняет; то, что наполняет; тот, кто заполняет; тот, кто наполняет; заряд ; шпатлевка ; воронка ; наливное отверстие


  1. He was referring to "prime" and "premium" sausages in which you might expect leaner meat, less filler material, or less fat.
  2. Counter sunk rivets may be used and then skimmed with a small amount of body filler to hide them.
  3. Oil does not appear to be emanating from either the filler cap or the dip stick tube and no obvious cause is apparent.
  4. Wipe any surplus filler away with a damp rag while still wet
  5. Ideally, cables should be covered with metal half-channel before the plaster is made good with filler or a d-i-y plaster: you will, of course, have to redecorate the wall afterwards.
  6. If wood is to be stained as well as filled, then it is possible with some makes to thin the filler with the wood dye, so that dyeing and filling can be carried out in one operation.
  7. A countersink bit for your hand or power drill enables you to recess screw heads below the wood surface; a nail punch lets you hide nail heads beneath a blob of filler.
  8. The filler is on top of the box on a small square plate just in front of the hand brake drum.
  9. A standard cellulose filler would very quickly crack and fall out again due to normal movement.
  10. But there's no doubt as to the best stocking filler this Christmas - at least, for Apple Macintosh users.
  11. The answer is to cut out a small square of plasterboard (or to cut through the laths in the same way), cut a narrow notch in the nogging to allow the cable through, and then replace the plasterboard, nailing it in place either side of the notch, and making good with filler.
  12. I would suggest if anybody has this problem, they drill the heads off as you would a rivet, punch the nail in a little and fill in then with the appropriate filler.
  13. AEG's new dust extractor, the WV2000, combines two 100watt motors and sub-micron filtration from their familiar WV dust extractors, with the polythene waste bag from the bag filler.

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