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Перевод: fortify speek fortify

укреплять; сооружать укрепление; поддерживать; подтверждать; подкреплять; добавлять спирт к вину


  1. He ordered a pot of coffee to fortify himself and stepped into his shower.
  2. I think I'll go and change my clothes and have a drink to fortify me, because it'll be damned cold out there tonight
  3. A good munch would fortify us both and united again, we could tackle the trouble ahead as a team.
  4. Just as inevitably, the Soviet Union and Syria both felt compelled to redouble their efforts to fortify their respective positions in the conflict, to offset the damage this agreement had done them.
  5. No, the best he could do was to fortify himself with the Nielson family, and wait a century or two.
  6. Now to the Muses: I don't call them to fortify my Walls against Wealth itself, but against Wealth in such a Shape as we had then described; and you are not to think, that Poets, who love Ease and Pleasure, and the most gay Delights of Life, should hate the only Means of obtaining it
  7. The castle may have been built to fortify, but it no longer has a defence against attack from Highland wind and rain.
  8. At the junction of the Welford branch, a boat from Welford met them with ample supplies of refreshments to fortify them against the passage of Bosworth tunnel.
  9. And Wordsworth was always concerned, as we shall see in the extract from The Prelude (p. 134), in keeping open communications with the important moments of his past, which are used to fortify the present.
  10. An example might be, from a spellcaster, "I have come to study the magic atop the tower, my own master wishes to fortify his own Castle with a similar protection.
  11. The article, then, is exploratory rather than definitive, inciting theory rather than assuming it, attempting to open up some territory or to clear some ground rather than to fortify a final position.
  12. Was Ray Floyd about to follow the lead of George Foreman, who beat the British-born heavyweight Alex Stewart the previous night, and fortify the over-40s?
  13. This left Lady Arran free to fortify herself with a large tot of rum.

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