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Перевод: fountain speek fountain

фонтан ; исток реки; ключ ; источник ; колодец ; резервуар ; резервуар керосиновой лампы; резервуар масляной лампы


  1. His best-known work was the Buxton Memorial Fountain in Parliament Square, which he designed with S. S. Teulon in 1865 as a memorial to his father, Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, a slave trade abolitionist and prison reformer.
  2. Photography by Colin Fountain.
  3. A FOUNTAIN of humour in Punch of those days were the malapropisms of the working class.
  4. Alan Fountain's lecture will in part draw on the philosophy behind this new series.
  5. There were moments ("Reel Around The Fountain", "Pretty Girls Make Graves" and the singles) which surpassed any music produced in 1984.
  6. At the intersection of the paths she came to a fountain.
  7. Looking out across Dancer's emerging polo fields, Miss Lodsworth first thought how beautiful as a huge fountain of water gushed a hundred feet into the air, throwing up rainbow lights in the sunshine against the yellowing trees.
  8. This month's Letter of the Month writer will receive a Rotring 600 Series fountain pen.
  9. The registrar was waiting down the corridor with the tools of his trade, an exercise book and a fountain pen, and that would be that.
  10. Gave to my Sires, The Fountain Sprite
  11. Odin was all-wise - but he had not been born so; he had drunk at the fountain of Mimir and had had to pledge an eye.
  12. An orangery filled with conservatory plants overlooks placid lawns and a fountain rising from a raised pool.
  13. But don't miss Michelangelo's ceiling in the Sistine Chapel, St Peter's Cathedral and Square, the Colosseum, the Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, the Castel Sant'Angelo and the Spanish Steps.

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