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Перевод: friable speek friable

крошащийся; ломкий; хрупкий; рыхлый


  1. The end product is friable humus which is ready to feed the soil flora and fauna and, through them, the plants.
  2. As she listened it seemed to rise in intensity so that she could imagine, with an agreeable frisson of simulated terror, that the low friable cliffs had finally crumbled and that the white foaming turbulence was rolling towards them across Alex's face.
  3. Sunlight smashed into me as I pulled onto the top of a little pinnacle below a very steep, friable slab.
  4. Briefly, the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis was based on the presence of at least three of the following four criteria: a typical history of diarrhoea; stools containing blood and pus, or both, for more than one week or in repeated episodes; a typical sigmoidoscopic appearance, with granulated friable mucosa or ulcerations, or both; histological or cytological signs of inflammation; and radiological or colonoscopic signs of ulcerations with or without spiculation or granulation of the inner surface of the colon proximal to the rectum.
  5. In our work, however, the carbon-bearing granulite samples have a higher porosity (Table 1) and friable nature, and would be expected to lose much of their porosity, with associated loss of conductivity, when even small pressures are applied.
  6. Cendres-noires , the "black gold" of the Montagne de Reims, is a Sparnacian deposit comprised almost entirely of rich black lignite, a friable carbonaceous substance which is half-way between peat and coal.
  7. If they have to stay in the trench long enough for new roots to develop, they are not so likely to be damaged if you lift them from loose, friable soil.
  8. The end product is of similar appearance to peat, rich and dark in colour and friable.
  9. Ants stumble into the pit by accident and, because it is constructed of friable soil or sand and has steep sides, they have to struggle to get out.
  10. Airless or waterlogged clay and compacted ("slumped") light ground are both inhospitable to roots and can invite fungal diseases, whereas a friable structure, the result of thorough cultivation and the regular addition of compost or manure, aids their deep vigorous growth.
  11. Contrary to interpretations of the Tunguska object as a friable, underdense comet, Sekanina favours a bolide with a very high strength, arguing that the object would explode instantly on disruption.
  12. The last time I saw her she looked yellow and thin - as if she were made of some dry, friable material and would crumple into sand if you touched her.
  13. Clearance of semi-arid savanna, coupled with overgrazing and friable soils, has resulted in annual degradation rates of between 1 and 10 mm per year, the higher rates occurring on overgrazed slopes.

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