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Перевод: Germanic speek Germanic

германский; тевтонский;
германский праязык; общегерманский язык


  1. Without a knowledge of what was happening to Germanic diphthongs and vowels in the Dark Ages, however, even a clever pupil at Oxford in those days would have done badly.
  2. It was they, shamingly, who had led the great discovery of old Germanic literature, which included the Old English texts Beowulf The Wanderer, The Seafarer and the great rhythmical prose-sermons of Aelfric and Wulfstan.
  3. The main point, however, of the section on the Germanic tribes is a discussion of the nature of feudalism, and this is little different from that found in The German Ideology .
  4. The Germanic tribe is therefore based on shared locality rather than kinship, but it consists of a collection of kinship units each with access to a territory, thus "individual landed property (of the different families) does not appear as a contradictory form of communal landed property, nor as mediated by the community but the other way round.
  5. Though it still needed to learn to live with the ways of the new peoples, it had its own mature traditions, and cultural and institutional development, encapsulating much of Roman civilization and fitting it to play a decisive role in shaping the new Germanic societies.
  6. "What do you think of me appearing like that in front of the men?" she asked in her slow, earnest, Germanic accent, gazing at Jane with steady blue eyes.
  7. In the earliest stages, this required a fall working knowledge of the processes of Germanic philology and the history of sound-change, a branch of study which is extremely difficult to master.
  8. In areas settled by Germanic peoples and governed by their kings new forms of government and new political institutions often coexisted with older political traditions of Roman origin.
  9. This Germanic organization remains extremely vague in Formen and the reason seems to come from the paucity and dubiousness of Marx's sources for the construction of this mode of production.
  10. The second theme would be the story of these new nations, the Germanic kingdoms whose foundations were laid during the years from about 400 to 600 ad .
  11. She had an almost Germanic regard for order, and set about repairing the house, the stables, the outbuildings and conservatory with the willing and cheerful help of a small, dedicated band of local people, with whom she could relax and be herself, without putting up defences as she'd had to do with the false Pyglings.
  12. It transpires that Professor Sir Alan Walters, Prime Minister Margaret "Brunnhilde" Thatcher's favourite economist, is an ardent fan of the late Richard Wagner, composer of Germanic opera cycles.
  13. The early history of Germanic Christianity is dominated by the paradox that mass conversion required some considerable continuity.

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