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Перевод: gilt speek gilt

золоченый; позолоченный; вызолоченный;
позолота ; надежные ценные бумаги;
#past и p.p. от gild


  1. Note the series of great processional crosses of rock crystal and silver gilt, many studded with precious stones, baroque pearls and antique cameos, some with ingenious settings.
  2. Unlike its more common relative, E. pungens "Maculata", whose leaves take on a slightly muddy hue as they mature, "Gilt Edge" stays a brilliant yellow-cream, and would make a superb contrast with the bright red stems of Cornus alba "Sibirica".
  3. Now, aspiring judges are called to a room at the western end of the Palace of Westminster overlooking the Thames, and, seated on chairs stamped with the gilt portcullis, interviewed about their suitability for the job.
  4. In particular, Grolier's books are famous for gilt stamps on the upper covers: sometimes "Grolierii Lugdunensis et Amicorum" ('for Grolier of Lyons and his friends', Lugdunum being the Latin name, appearing in many publishers' imprints, for Lyons); sometimes just "Io Grolierii et Amicorum" (for Grolier and his friends); and, almost always on the lower cover, a text from the Vulgate, Psalm cxli.
  5. Dark panelling; tall glass-fronted bookcases full of great leather-bound books; solid brown furniture; shabby plush chairs; shabbier plush curtains hanging at high sash windows, and several very new watercolours of sailing vessels in gilt frames which looked uncomfortably out of place on the sombre walls.
  6. Given that the index-linked gilt is a difficult investment to evaluate, is it worth the private investor buying via a specialist gilt fund or direct?
  7. To someone brought up in the relative austerities of the Church of Scotland, all this gilt and marble, colourful painting and painted statuary seems rather extraordinary and, somehow, secular.
  8. A similar quest can be pursued for the first book with gilt lettering on the spine - generally accepted as being the third volume of a set of Byron published by Murray in 1832.
  9. But an analyst says: "When you buy a gilt you are certain of the income.
  10. Desperate to halt the march of time on face and figure, Streep is directed to a large Gothic mansion where mysterious Lisle Von Rhuman (Isabella Rossellini in large gilt choker and very little else) sells her the Elixir of Eternal Youth.
  11. Rollo loved being taken to the gilt and plush ambience of Rules in Covent Garden, to which his riposte was Lock-Obers in Boston, which he protested was not so good.
  12. Over-the-top accessories accompany all her collections, from fake pearl chokers to quilted handbags and gilt belts.
  13. Thackeray "s The Virginians and The Newcomes handsomely bound in three-quarter morocco gilt and in half-calf gilt, in each case with marbled sides; impressive, but not worth nearly as much as the humble original parts in paper wrappers.

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