Перевод: glasses
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- "I've never seen you without those glasses on."
- She took off her glasses and turned down the collar.
- CHOOSE plates, cutlery and crystal and set the table if practical, leaving all the glasses upside down.
- USA Sport, a company aptly located in Oakley, Hampshire, markets a range of sports glasses for any prescription condition.
- Brandy glasses
- The back of the chair and the floor were strewn with clothes and the top of a chest of drawers which served as a dressing table under an oval mirror was crowded with bottles, dirty glasses, jars of make-up and packets of tissues.
- Flora wore gold ear-rings shaped like Grecian urns, and dark glasses.
- As Bull watched, an elderly man with his glasses hanging from one ear bent backwards at a strange angle, as if he was made of rubber, and slid off his seat.
- They are qualified not only to check whether you need glasses but also to spot early signs of any serious eye troubles, as well as some other kinds of disease, and to recommend referral to a specialist when necessary.
- Rod Stewart's glasses
- At least we are much nearer than we were in the era your rose-coloured glasses have alighted upon.
- He was polishing glasses and he held them up to the light to check them and thereby seemed to be ignoring Maidstone completely.
- 2 small lamb chops braised in olive oil, with onion celery and carrot with herbs and seasonings green vegetables mineral water to drink On rising 2 glasses of mineral water Breakfast large slice melon 75g (3oz) chicken or lambs' liver fried with onion 1 glass fruit juice Mid-morning 1 glass fruit juice Lunch 100g (4oz) minced meat braised with onion, olive oil and vegetable stock green vegetables 1 glass fruit juice Mid-afternoon 2 glasses mineral water 1 piece of fruit Evening meal lentil soup 1 hard-boiled egg and 50g (2oz) prawns or shrimps tasty salad On rising 2 glasses mineral water Breakfast 1 piece of fruit 100g (4oz) smoked haddock 1 glass fruit juice Mid-morning 1 glass fruit juice Lunch 175g (6oz) gammon rasher peas, green beans and carrots 1 glass fruit juice Mid-afternoon 2 glasses mineral water 1 piece of fruit Evening meal vegetable stock soup bean and green salad 1 glass mineral water b On rising 2 glasses of mineral water Breakfast 1 whole grapefruit 100g (4oz) kippers poached 1 glass fruit juice Mid-morning 1 glass fruit juice Lunch 100g (4oz) chicken mixed salad 1 glass fruit juice Mid-afternoon 2 glasses mineral water 1 piece of fruit Evening meal vegetable soup lamb shop braised in olive oil carrots and peas On rising 2 glasses mineral water Breakfast 1 orange and 1 apple Mid-morning 1 glass fruit juice Lunch 2 hard-boiled eggs crunchy salad 1 glass fruit juice Mid-afternoon 2 glasses of mineral water 1 piece of fruit Evening meal 1 pork loin chop, grilled mixed vegetables banana On rising 2 glasses mineral water Breakfast 2 whole fruits chopped together in orange juice 2 lambs kidneys with onion 1 glass fruit juice M Mid-morning 1 glass fruit juice Lunch 100g (4oz) cooked beef peas, carrots 1 piece of fruit 1 glass fruit juice Mid-afternoon 2 glasses mineral water Evening meal bean salad prawns or crab with lettuce 1