h ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hl hm ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hw hy hz

Перевод: Hindi speek Hindi

относящийся к языку хинди;
хинди ; язык хинди


  1. In Schedule 2 are included some of the minority community languages e.g., Hindi, Bengali, Panjabi, Gujarati, Urdu.
  2. The radio staff promptly stopped all Hindi broadcasts.
  3. This may not correspond to any major structural difference between languages; for example, the spoken forms of Urdu and Hindi are almost identical but are perceived as different apparently because of their strong association with Muslim and Hindu ethnicity (Linguistic Minorities Project 1985: 45).
  4. A multilingual counselling service (English, Bengali, Cantonese, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Swahili, Urdu and Vietnamese) based in London is available.
  5. Messages are available in English as well as the main Asian languages - Gujarati, Punjabi, Urdu, Hindi and Bengali.
  6. When we landed at Bombay (for the story has a happy ending) I asked to be shown the piece of tarmac pasteurised for the Pope to kiss on his recent visit, so I could bless it too (poojahs is the Hindi word) and give thanks for deliverance.
  7. He had been born in England, had never seen India, spoke English as his cradle tongue and had forgotten all the Hindi he had ever learned but he had all the immigrant's protective reactions and all his self-consciousness.
  8. Mahendra K. Verma Lecturer in Linguistics Hindi Dept. of Language Linguistic Science University of York, YORK.
  9. I am ashamed," and immediately started to talk in Hindi, in the manner of an elementary language lesson, as though to jog my memory of my long forgotten mother tongue.
  10. The proceedings of the festival will be published shortly in both English and Hindi and marketed with assistance from the Indian Social Institute in Delhi.
  11. But now they will be much more human beings like the people we meet in our lives than those stock response, cut-out figures like the Vamp and the Villain (to go for examples to the world of Hindi films).
  12. But we wanted from the start to dissociate ourselves from the arrogant and ignorant belief that in some mysterious way English is superior to other languages, and that children who speak Bengali or Hindi at home should abandon these languages as soon as possible.
  13. "I knew some Hindi so I asked Chris in Hindi what time it was.

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