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Перевод: hindsight speek hindsight

непредусмотрительность ; взгляд в прошлое; прицел


  1. With hindsight this final point should have been given more significance from the start.
  2. "In hindsight, that mightn't have been far wrong.
  3. With hindsight, of course, it is now possible to question the glamorizing of drug-taking in such films as Easy Rider , Psych-Out and The Trip and others; the in-built health warnings were seldom noticed and there was a certain drugs bandwagon rolling, anyway, largely created in the pop industry where drug usage was not only referred to, even poetically eulogized in song, but physically demonstrated by some of its more tragic exponents like Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix and Janice Joplin, to name but three in a long line of fallen idols and heroes.
  4. And as a result of doing all these things, ad nauseam, one had begun to believe something which now, with the benefit of hindsight, appears utterly incredible: that Labour was going to win the general election.
  5. Roth has left off with his mythologising fury - and his memoir lets us know that the benefits that come to the writer who tries, or even seems, to stick to the facts may amount to something more than those of hindsight.
  6. "The politest thing one can say", he said, "is that that is the wisdom of hindsight by people who are not trained to know better in that area".
  7. Decide now what you really wanted to do, and what, with hindsight, would have been good for you to do or have.
  8. Everyone can see clearly enough with hindsight.
  9. "With hindsight, perhaps we shouldn't have gone into a peripheral business," he concedes.
  10. In fact, hindsight leads one to suggest that Jimmy came to the Palace 20 years too soon - he could have become an inspiration in Malcolm Allison's footballing team of the mid-1970s.
  11. The fragmented narrative cultivated by Vargas Llosa, for example, is intended to replicate the way in which we experience real life, in that events and information are presented to us in a disjointed fashion and it is only when we have lived through the reading experience that we are able to piece it all together with the benefit of hindsight.
  12. As the Children Act waits, poised for implementation, it remains to speculate on how significant and successful it is likely to be: and it is tempting to do so with benefit of hindsight in the context of all the discarded child care legislation of the past forty years.
  13. Although he is a thoughtful person, who loves to put his ideas down on paper in the form of articles for such august publications as the Harvard Business Review , he suspects that labels are attached to management practices in hindsight rather than as objectives executives set out to master.

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