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Перевод: horseflesh speek horseflesh



  1. Not only was he a good judge of horseflesh, but he was capable of treating most ailments which occurred both in the hunters and the heavy farm animals.
  2. Benjamin nodded and quietly turned the conversation back to horseflesh.
  3. He believed that a place which respected horseflesh would not be wholly comfortless and as he had horses this applied to him.
  4. He is a polo umpire, a judge of horseflesh, adviser to the Farmers' Union, a stalwart of regimental dinners and a confidant of opposition politicians.
  5. I just want to make a few pennies by selling some horseflesh.
  6. Nutty, unnoticed, had joined the group on Midnight, and sat surveying the new horseflesh without enthusiasm.
  7. However, rather than feeling gloomy about your lack of horseflesh try thinking positively about your situation.
  8. We found them in the stables, tending to the horses; country lads whose constant talk was of saddles, bridles, reins and spurs; what was good horseflesh and what wasn't; what horses should be fed and when they could drink.
  9. The soil is very fruitful; there are corn, cattle and horseflesh in abundance; and by sending away to Hampshire all the inhabitants not required in the fields one could have held out there several months.

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