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Перевод: hostelry speek hostelry

гостиница ; постоялый двор


  1. A young man who booked into a hostelry in London Road, Reading, and refused to give his name, was suspected.
  2. It is best, perhaps, not to speculate whether the hostelry still exists in which he discovered " a low-spirited little man sitting at an empty "bar" and hiding himself, as it were, from all mortal inspection behind the full sheet of a dirty provincial newspaper.
  3. During this project the landlord of The Whip, a once notorious hostelry, was concerned that the vibration of the adjacent building operation would affect the quality of his beer.
  4. Refreshments at the nearby hostelry!
  5. Chapel-le-Dale has many natural attractions but these must be forsworn if the day's objective for those walking is Ingleborough's summit; the rising road should be followed further to the Hill Inn, a renowned hostelry dispensing manna from heaven to weary Three Peaks walkers.
  6. It is difficult to put a specific date on when Jarman became "mine host" at the ancient hostelry; the time of his villainies lies somewhere between the inn's foundation in 1106, and the rebuilding of around 1500.
  7. By using the map and clues you will eventually find your way to a fine hostelry out in the country.
  8. "I wonder if you might tell us of a local hostelry where I can purchase a good dinner?
  9. Always in search of alternative entertainment, Rough led the team's other two keepers George Wood and David Harvey on a late-night expedition to a local hostelry known as "The Marine Grill".
  10. Afterwards I met two of these gentlemen who were exercising their elbows in a nearby hostelry and exercising their right to disagree on conscientious grounds with the Wesleyan distaste for alcoholic beverages.
  11. Thereafter I looked out of all the windows of the snug hostelry, and not finding a satisfactory view, for it now rained in earnest, and it was vain to hope to be able to sketch out of doors, I noticed a new house a short distance from the inn (it was being prepared for a doctor); was entrusted with the keys, and from one of the front windows looked out on the rainy scene depicted in the sketch of "Garrynahine, Isle of Lewis."
  12. A great detective might have considered this an astounding coincidence were it not for the fact that the hostelry was the only place in the whole of King's Magnum Parva where a lady or a gentleman might obtain a meal.
  13. They could be found, posing madly, directly adjacent to whatever was going free at any bohemian hostelry in town.

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