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Перевод: immanent speek immanent

постоянный; присущий; имманентный


  1. The "I" at one and the same time transcends the body (so that for instance we talk of our bodies as something separate from ourselves and say that we "have" them rather than "are" them) and is immanent or present in the body.
  2. It is important to be clear that the Deity does not lose its transcendence by being immanent.
  3. The argument of the theist concerning God as both transcendent and immanent can be summarised in the following question and answer form:
  4. Its future, like the future of Europe, lies in understanding its immanent past.
  5. The sovereign power inherent in the British Crown, as exercised through Council and through Parliament, derives not from a treaty or document or compact, but from prescription, from the fact that it has been so from time immemorial - that it is immanent in the nation itself.
  6. This chapter is, therefore, devoted to a discussion of God as transcendent yet immanent on the one hand, and as personal yet impersonal on the other.
  7. He states, for example, that Freudian psychology leads inevitably to the conclusion that love is a force immanent in the world, and is not just a product of the human psyche; and he states that "It is a condition of there being a world that it be lovable by beings like us."
  8. But if "transcendence" means not that God is physically distant from the world, but that none of the characteristics of finite human life, like location, duration and change, applies to Him, then it is at least not an obvious contradiction to call Him both "transcendent" and "immanent".
  9. If "transcendent" meant "spatially removed" from us, and "immanent" meant "spatially present" among us, then it would be an obvious contradiction to say that God was both transcendent and immanent.
  10. transcendent and immanent?
  11. We have also suggested that they all conceive of God as both transcendent and immanent - transcendent in the sense that what fundamentally limits reality does not apply to Him, immanent in that this lack of limitation is what makes possible a universal presence.

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