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Перевод: impunity speek impunity



  1. And because he was slightly dim, or at least vulnerable and kind and easily led, being one of the few people I could mock and dominate with impunity, we became mates.
  2. Different families are known to have employed quite similar arms to each other with apparent impunity (especially before the foundation of the College of Arms on 2 March 1484), and there is no evidence to suggest their actions were anything other than innocent.
  3. " This lady is well-connected, well-respected you don't make trouble for such people with impunity."
  4. Fulfilment of their legal obligation, would send a powerful message to the contestants: to the Palestinians of the occupied territories that they can hope for protection, and to Israel that it cannot disobey international law with impunity.
  5. This year's Pipeline Master is Gary Elkerton of Australia who attacked the most demanding conditions with impunity.
  6. Thus they maintained their nefarious existence with impunity.
  7. Along the Thai border, the Khmer Rouge leaders can function with impunity, courtesy of the Thai Army which has supported them as its most effective weapon against Vietnam, Thailand's largest security concern.
  8. Once stage three gets underway, however, the librarian finds that bibliographies of the subject tend to cut across classification boundaries with impunity, particularly in the humanities and social sciences, and a too rigid adherence to classification numbers means that a good deal of the material which is not easily pigeon-holed can escape the selection net.
  9. This restrained aloofness has had its drawbacks: it has given the bellicose idealists of the Left freedom to ride roughshod with impunity over institutions which have hitherto maintained our nation as civilised and admirable.
  10. For instance, part of the trouble in the clean-air example is that nobody owns the air; if somebody did, polluters would not be able to dirty it with impunity.
  11. Viewed from an overhead perspective, Rufus can stomp from block to block with impunity but falls to his death if he makes a wrong move.
  12. The present danger is perhaps not so much that an honest trustee may be unfairly penalized as that a dishonest trustee may with impunity inflict loss on the beneficiaries.
  13. Supply would remain in the hands of crooks who would continue to push, but with total impunity, not just to their existing customers but as hard as they could to new ones as well.

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