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Перевод: irreversible speek irreversible

неотменяемый; непреложный; нерушимый; необратимый; нереверсивный


  1. They found that moving traps were indeed consuming energy - cells used up 29 per cent of their ATP in the three seconds of closure, Venus fly-traps clamp down on their prey as a result of irreversible cell expansion, which is itself caused by the activation of wall loosening enzymes by a lowered p H in the cell wall.
  2. Going grey and growing old are indeed processes rather than activities, irreversible and permanent.
  3. Before spelling out exactly what this means, it is worth asking whether translating machinery is necessarily irreversible.
  4. Irreversible cell expansion - very rapid growth - caused the movement, not turgor change.
  5. The irreversible step is that between RNA and protein.
  6. The best of deciding to be ordained is the knowledge that you dimly see your future and have the courage to embark on an irreversible way and feel that at least you commit yourself to help humanity in its suffering or its moral predicament.
  7. Although we know intellectually that the status quo cannot be maintained for ever, we feel profoundly disturbed when irreversible change actually happens.
  8. The law therefore singles out the time direction of irreversible physical processes as the direction of increasing entropy.
  9. But during the heat of a test match battle, the instantaneous decision by a captain can have an irreversible effect.
  10. Worst of all, they liked to swell back to their original dimensions in water and this swelling was generally unpredictable and irreversible.
  11. By the four-to eight-cell stage of development the DNA in the nucleus has already undergone some apparently irreversible changes.
  12. The decision is irreversible.
  13. The result of this is the development of chronic lymphatic oedema, due to accumulation of fluid, and eventually to elephantiasis, which is irreversible enlargement.

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