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Перевод: Jasper speek Jasper

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  1. Jasper had been in a road accident a few months before the diagnosis.
  2. Designer Jasper Conran has had another idea.
  3. Although it might sound as though Dawn was petrified of Jasper there were a number of occasions when she scared him out of his skin.
  4. Category three saw Jasper Sharpe outreach everyone to gain 127 points and he looks favourite for an overall winner; Gareth Parry came second and Simon Scully was third.
  5. The controversy began when both Paul Smith and Jasper Conran turned down their nominations to become British Designer of the Year.
  6. "I've still got Jasper and he's going to have a long and happy life," she declared.
  7. An anniversary of a different sort is also being celebrated this month in Manhattan: the thirty-fifth year of Jasper Johns's association with Leo Castelli, his first and longtime dealer.
  8. Her expensive clothes - Jasper Conran, he guessed - she had put on again and, while behind the screen, a little more lipstick.
  9. "Funnily enough, Jasper and I once helped a human diabetic out of a hypo with Jasper's stash of sugar lumps!"
  10. What relation was Jasper Brown to Marmaduke Wilberforce? - and so on.
  11. Kate Ganz has chosen the theme of "Heads and Portraits: drawings from Piero di Cosimo to Jasper Johns" for her exhibition of thirty-seven drawings to be held at Jason McCoy, New York (6 May to 12 June).
  12. For the Wandsworth Registry Office ceremony, Alison sported a fringed pair of extremely brief black shorts teamed with a great Jasper Conran jacket.
  13. Plywood desk, 1988, by Jasper Morrison from the recent ADT Press monograph

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