Перевод: Jew
[существительное] еврей ; иудей ; жид
- In February 1922, Hitler told his SA that the "Jewish Question" was the only thing that mattered, and a few months later he summed up the entire Party Programme in the one point: that no Jew could be a "people's comrade".
- The man was a Jew, but to Fred he was a German.
- The Evangelical Alliance was founded in 1846 largely under the inspiration of a Polish Jew, Ridley Herschell, who had been converted in London and became a notable Nonconformist preacher in the capital.
- Defenders of the Jewish American pieties and proprieties, and those in Israel for whom the Diaspora Jew is a rootless cosmopolitan, had marked Roth as a bad man, and in their eyes he has yet to turn into a good one.
- What we answer to "what am I", categories like Scot or Jew or Protestant are vague by comparison with Dunningite or excellent-maker-of-baskets or enthusiast-for-books-about Ireland .
- (An influence on Leonard equal to that of A. M. Klein, also a lawyer, but more importantly a poet-novelist of considerable skill, whose familiarity with literature equalled his Jewish erudition and commitment unlike Leonard he was a "ghetto" Jew of Montreal).
- And the Jew squats on the window sill, the owner,
- As the world knows, Roth grew up in Newark, New Jersey, a second-generation American Jew, and he was to turn into a citizen of the world, a famous cosmopolitan author.
- The Jew is nothing more than a popular villain (bear in mind that Marlowe had just had a success with The Jew Of Malta).
- "It is clear that Professor Wybran has been assassinated in cold blood because he was a Jew," it said.
- Levi's double life as chemist and writer suggests that if art and work need to be separated, according to a certain sense of what it is to be a Jew, art and work are nevertheless very often the same.
- In The Facts , the tough guy with his shiksas, the supposedly "self-hating" Diaspora Jew, can be "tenderised" - a word Roth likes, for all the awkwardness it imparts to the operations to which it refers - into a sort of uxorious submission where his parents are concerned.
- The Jew is underneath the lot.
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