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Перевод: Jewish speek Jewish

еврейский; иудейский


  1. This in turn ensured at least passive acquiescence in if not outright approval for the escalating inhumanity of Nazi anti Jewish policy, and provided the regime with an extensive sphere of autonomy, free from any constraints of popular disapproval, in adopting ever more radical measures towards providing a "final solution" to the "Jewish Question".
  2. In Asia Minor Easter was celebrated on the date of the Jewish Passover festival, that being the date of the crucifixion in St John's Gospel (a work closely associated with the tradition of Ephesus).
  3. Jewish women were excluded from the court of the women during their impurity and fell into the same category of impurity as gentiles.
  4. You will note that Jewish pilgrims to the graves leave pebbles and messages on paper.
  5. "The Jew from Babylon" is an enthralling tale about a Jewish sorcerer, a believer in the faith, hated by demons and disapproved of by rabbis, who in old age endures a turmoil which ends his life.
  6. If this is the case, then, as Rachel Adler has asked, does there not have to be a "recovenanting" between Israel and God in order to fully and explicitly include Jewish women?
  7. St Paul and the writer of the Letter to the Hebrews are primarily responsible for that, but their judgement is derived not so much from Genesis as from Jewish writings of the period between the Old and New Testaments which turned Abraham into a plaster saint.
  8. The husband has an obligation to satisfy his wife in bed, and the rabbis have written about this in the Talmud, the Jewish law books.
  9. His family was nominally Jewish, but their connection with Jewish life was limited to the occasional hand-out to Jewish charities.
  10. In this scheme of separations of holy from unholy, (Jewish) women are, as it were, the "gentile within', the unholy half of the holy people.
  11. "A criminal assault" she called the dosing of Jewish patients in German hospitals with heavy aperients.
  12. Bar-Giora is thought to have used his desert headquarters not only in his struggle against the Romans but also while he was in conflict with rival Jewish rebel movements, including the Zealots.
  13. No similar possibility existed with the Soviet Jewish community, since it was only possible to have relations with the Soviet Union through its government.

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