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Перевод: jealous speek jealous

ревнивый; ревнующий; завистливый; завидующий; заботливый; ревностный; ревниво оберегающий


  1. Now, to his intense shame, he found he was even jealous of the child, Corrie Palmer, who had wormed her way into Sarah's heart so thoroughly there seemed no dislodging her.
  2. He thinks I'm jealous when I get annoyed at his bad manners.
  3. Freud argues that the man who is sexually jealous of a woman would "not only feel pain about the woman he loves and hatred of the man who is his rival, but also grief about the man, whom he loves unconsciously, and hatred of the woman as his rival" ("Some Neurotic Mechanisms", x. 197 - 8).
  4. Why lions are not jealous lovers
  5. He was a tailor by trade, miserably jealous and, Jane Holt had decided, extremely violent.
  6. Jealous of Santander's alliance, other European banks will be tempted to forge their own ties with well-managed, expansion-minded American banks.
  7. I've probably got AIDS anyway, and I'm hopelessly jealous.
  8. His love also made him jealous.
  9. The guests having been selected, there then came the problem of allocating rooms, since those who were jealous of their rank or susceptible to imaginary slights set great store by the nature of their accommodation within the Palace.
  10. "Don't tell me you're jealous?"
  11. She was jealous of her husband's many romantic liaisons and was a formidable opponent, with many stories being told of her harrying Zeus' mistresses and persecuting his illegitimate children.
  12. "She doesn't get jealous," says the Brideshead Revisited star, above.
  13. Jealous eyes were still being cast on the SAS, and various staff departments were determined to bring its activities under far stricter control.

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