Перевод: jeer
[существительное] насмешка ; презрительная насмешка; колкость ; язвительное замечание; глумление; гардель [мор.] ; [глагол] насмехаться; глумиться; высмеивать; зло подшучивать
- From deep inside, a jeer, a sneer.
- Although the boy racers may jeer, it is still a very pleasant car to drive, as well.
- Or to jeer at the discredited Baltic Communists who rode in behind the thugs, proclaimed themselves in charge in Lithuania and Latvia and then scuttled for cover.
- "Stop making a mock and a jeer out of other people's business."
- It was a favourite prisoners' jeer at the guards, though unfair in view of the relative safety of the prisoners' position.
- "And whatever his accent or his defects, I don't suppose one of those blockheads making a jeer of him listened to a word he was saying."
- It could only get worse for poor Mr Collins as room and meal materialised, but at least he acknowledged of the Cornish in general that they had, "no propensity to jeer at strangers".
- Might jeer at Strephon 's scarlet Feather;
- The Soviet people who once cheered him on now jeer at him.
- A. T. Kids used to jeer and pull their tongues out.
- Nutty got a glimpse of Gloria and Seb, jaws dropping, as everyone started to jeer and clap.
- Cameron deflected the jeer.
- What began as an exotic flirtation with the Other, a pop foray into a perceived Heart of Darkness, soon turned into a full-blown dance initiative in those irony-clad years of 1980-;81, with everyone from Japan to ABC to Cabaret Voltaire to Spandau Ballet to Heaven 17 conspiring to venture a white funk whose snappiness was a jeer at the indies, a white funk that would saunter easily into the charts and every other public place and, with their manifestos , make them better places to be.