Перевод: jejune
[прилагательное] скудный; тощий; бесплодный; сухой; неинтересный; скучный; пустой; ограниченный
- I wrote for him the following poem; it seems to me now rather jejune, but it was the spontaneous overflow from a heart both proud and anxious, and not greatly concerned with turning out a literary exemplar: Parachutists (for L.G.C.)
- Can any kind of social critique be inserted into those courses without being superficial, jejune and irrelevant to the students' interests?
- For it was only by studying the precise rake of extra-long pans, the trajectory of tracking shots and the jejune emotional appeal of the jump-cut, that I could add to the repertoire of my own internal shoots.
- The first major problem with Fforde's work is that it equates collectivism with socialism, which is as historically wrong as it is jejune.
- Not even the horrendous edit at track 3, 310 can detract from the splendours of a disc that completely overturns any ideas one might have had of this being Bruckner at his most jejune.
- (Crick, 1979, p. 132) The language is not so hard to understand, and it is jejune to suppose that not knowing it has impeded philosophy, or that knowing it will help a lot.)
- I appreciate that your vanity was stirred by this invitation, and of course I understand your regret at having to decline it, but frankly I think your friend is a little jejune.
- "You have to remember," Ellen liked to lecture Thessy and me, "just how absurdly wealthy they all are, and how desperately the wealthy want to be liked because they can't help feeling guilty about being so rich, so we only have to be obsequious, give them loads of booze, and pretend to be impressed by their entirely predictable and usually jejune opinions, after which they'll reward us with an outrageously large tip - which is, after all, the sole reason for being nice to the ghastly creatures in the first place."
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