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Перевод: jelly speek jelly

желе; студень ; гелигнит [горн.] ;
превращать в желе; превращать в студень; застывать


  1. Jelly and chips?
  2. "Aye," he said with his chins juddering like a jelly.
  3. 4 Dissolve the jelly in 150 ml ( pt) water.
  4. 8oz (200g) white fish, steamed, microwaved or grilled, served with steamed sliced mushrooms, 5 oz (125g) mashed potatoes, unlimited vegetables, and tomato sauce if desired PLUS STRAWBERRY WINE JELLY (see recipe, page 161) OR RATATOUILLE (see recipe, page 160) served with 5oz (125g) potatoes and unlimited vegetables PLUS RASPBERRY AND STRAWBERRY BAVAROIS (see recipe, page 160)
  5. REGINA, the royal jelly company which makes the magic queen bee elixir taken by stars like Cliff Richard and Maureen Lipman, stung the City yesterday with massive losses.
  6. 1 packet of orange jelly (jello)
  7. jelly sweets/silver balls/sugar flowers
  8. You could see her whole body shaking and I remembered Clement Moore's The Night Before Christmas ; "a right jolly old elf with a little round belly that shook when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly."
  9. Pour on top of the jelly and leave until set.
  10. Below: royal jelly - myth or medicine?
  11. This lack of lubrication may result in a burning sensation after intercourse, and apart from making sure your partner takes care to arouse you sufficiently, the application of K-Y jelly or Sensuelle, obtainable from chemists, may bring relief.
  12. I was almost too tired to eat in the old, flagged kitchen hung with gleaming copper pans and jelly moulds, but the macaroni cheese was as good as Aunt Bedelia's.
  13. Burning lumps of phosphorus jelly were scattered amongst the containers, forming a foreground that was blinding.

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