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Перевод: jeopardize speek jeopardize

подвергать опасности; рисковать


  2. He must not be asked to perform tasks in any area where an error might jeopardize the success of our forthcoming conference."
  3. Also, the manager is expected to use his or her best endeavours to promote the artist's career, while the artist should do nothing to jeopardize the reputation of the manager.
  4. Such common elements need not be excluded by the veil of ignorance since their presence does not jeopardize the social role of the doctrine of justice.
  5. Furthermore such feelings can jeopardize the stability of the placement.
  6. "Roger, it could jeopardize all we have worked for everything."
  7. For their parts, the RHA and the DHSS, since they were already implicated in the BansteadHorton plan, were unlikely to jeopardize it by opposing the local exemption requested.
  8. You don't have to jeopardize your standing in the staffroom.
  9. Only a fool or a very determined and principled Palestinian was ready to jeopardize that crossing by openly opposing Husayn's claim over the West Bank.
  10. "Our people think this kidnapping could jeopardize the whole state visit.
  11. If the teacher is regarded as an information resource just like the other information resources in the library, then stages 2-;7 do jeopardize the teacher's place in education.
  12. The revelation of such information could jeopardize sensitive investigations essential to the nation's security, could place at risk the lives of those who had come forward with their suspicions to the police and could undermine the efforts of the police to prevent or detect serious crime.
  13. If so then on the assumption, surely acceptable to Nozick as to most people, that the prospect of a profit is a valid reason for most commercial activities it follows that selling arms to one of the combatants for profit does not jeopardize one's neutrality.

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