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Перевод: jerboa speek jerboa

африканский тушканчик; тушканчик


  1. Below the title is the red jerboa on black of 7 Armd.
  2. Briefly: the addition of a red jerboa or desert jumping mouse to the white-disc-in-red-square vehicle sign of the Mobile Division Egypt dates back to 193940.
  3. Bde. in the Gulf is (5), 2 in. wide - a revival of the wartime shape, in black on pale fawn or khaki; but somebody forgot the jerboa's eye, and one foresees the inter-brigade humour, with consequent violence, on the theme of "the blind 4th" (6), 1in. wide, is the tank commander's patch worn since spring 1990 in The Queen's Royal Irish Hussars: an emerald green shamrock bearing a black tank, on a dark piper green square.
  4. Perhaps the most striking feature of many desert animals, such as the fennec fox and jerboa, is the size of their external ears or pinnae.
  5. Div. was the 4th, who wore a differently shaped jerboa in black on white - see (4), 2 in. wide to stitched borders.
  6. Again, the red jerboa sign can just be seen on the small housing immediately above the elongated "0" of "10" on the skirt armour of the nearest tank.
  7. Ahead of the desert water bag slung on the turret side the brigade's painted red jerboa sign can be made out.

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