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Перевод: jerk speek jerk

резкое движение; толчок ; рывок ; внезапный толчок; судорожное подергивание; вздрагивание; подергивание мускула; упражнения ; тупица [сл.] ; идиот ; подонок ; сатуратор ; шутка ;
резко толкать; дергать; рвануть; дрыгать; двигаться резкими толчками; двигаться толчками; вялить; вялить мясо длинными тонкими кусками; говорить отрывисто


  1. Not for him the blind search for a nipple, no free of the womb' spasms to jerk his limbs; he was happy to be apart, independent, an entity unto himself.
  2. She started the car with a jerk and hit the bumper of the car in front.
  3. He gave a little jerk of the shoulder on which the sack hung.
  4. Pilots should also be briefed about the dangers of raising the undercarriage, closing the canopy window or fiddling with anything in the cockpit in case they are momentarily distracted or jerk the stick unintentionally during the initial climb out.
  5. Mid-region performance is strong and acceleration only begins to tail off above 120mph, but the Chrysler engine lacks ultimate finesse at high revs, becoming noisy and slightly strained, while the power delivery is too often spoiled by a hesitation or jerk after a sudden lift-off or application of power.
  6. Then jerk away, lope alone from the despised warm pulse of life.
  7. Two new classrooms were being opened that day, a tree was planted and we watched traditional Lesotho dancing (the dancers kneel in a line behind each other and just jerk their necks and shoulders, like double-jointed ostriches, while someone plays a drum).
  8. They are most likely to occur because of a jerk in the cable causing an overrun, with the rope becoming tangled in the main wheel of the glider.
  9. "A rich and randy jerk?"
  10. He's a sexist jerk anyway, I've never lived with him.
  11. Fearon's eyes opened fully and he sat up with a jerk, swore, rubbed his hand over his black curls and squinted at her.
  12. "This jerk has got something about redheads!
  13. He doesn't move, then suddenly his head gives a small jerk forward and his eyes buck wide open, the way they always used to when he'd make some incoherent claim to lineage to the gods.

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