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Перевод: jerky speek jerky

отрывистый; двигающийся резкими толчками; тряский;
вяленое мясо; тряский безрессорный вагон; тряский безрессорный экипаж


  1. In form the Song of Roland is like a succession of vivid, jerky photographs, like an early motion picture; it is as though the author had set out to describe something similar to the Bayeux Tapestry, depicting the tragedy, not of Harold, but of Roland.
  2. A recorded voice was booming out from behind the pay-booth where some Americans were pushing their jerky way through.
  3. All the elements aren't there, they're a bit shaky, a bit jerky; that's what I like about them.
  4. Outside after their meal they crouch in the small low car, knees touching chins, Jeremy braced for maximum impact on the controls as he carves a jerky aggressive path through the sluggish traffic.
  5. If Quaid's role seems contrived and the film betrays signs of forced editing in the abrupt, jerky resolution of an expansive but slackly focused narrative, COME SEE THE PARADISE has notable compensations: convincing performances from an unknown cast (some of whom passed their childhood in the camps), a sharp sense of the sometimes bizarre and humorous manifestations of cultural miscegenation and a detailed evocation of period and locale.
  6. The poems relate the Front's sulphurous claustrophobia and hellish din, in language that is often stark, jerky, sensuous: "Guns in action! /Spitting a tawny phlegm/Lightning's jagged tongue stinging the air."
  7. Sea water leaked from his mouth, his breath gasped in jerky spasms.
  8. The elevator loads remain almost constant at all speeds and are so low that any jerky movement may result in very high "g" loadings.
  9. Jim looked over and smiled as his daughter made rather ungainly attempts to emulate the lively young girls above her, but then as he watched he became slightly concerned, because her movements became even more ungainly and then spasmodic, and then jerky until her head was nodding, her legs shooting out in a frenzy, her arms twitching, and she fell, uttering a loud cry, which was so strong and unreal, that it stilled the noise of the bagpipes and everyone looked to see what was happening.
  10. It is very important to watch for any tendency to use a jerky forward movement on the stick during the full recovery.
  11. But performance is poor, the steering light and lifeless, ergonomics messy and the gearbox jerky.
  12. A firm, steady pressure should be applied - avoid jerky movements.
  13. Today he was quiet all right, standing and looking at the weather maps with the rest of his crew, smoking a cigarette with jerky hands.

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