Перевод: jest
[существительное] шутка ; острота ; насмешка ; высмеивание; объект насмешек; посмешище; [глагол] шутить; высмеивать; насмехаться; балагурить
- The narrator may not wholly be in jest when he refers to sexual intercourse with a certain girl, 17 or thereabouts, as "the ultimate indecorum", and rereaders of the novel are likely to be mindful of the survival here of an old England lived in by people like the middle-aged T. S. Eliot, exponents of a disgusted chastity.
- Art thou in earnest, or in jest?
- I refer in jest, of course, to the remarks originally targeted at Aspen Pittman by Jonathan Simmonds (Feedback, June "92).
- The desert is not a place conducive to jest and pranks.
- Think how Miss X an author whom, in jest, we feared as our editress would like to edit the whole correspondence if we predecease her.
- It's true in some cases, naturally; but very often it's the people who have felt wounds that jest most at scars, because they don't want the whole world to know.
- Around the time of "My Favourite Dress", Solowka and Gregory began to call Gedge The Boss in jest, but Charman refused.
- Louis joked that he must be getting old "when ladies declare war against me", but it proved an ill judged jest.
- "The biggest crisis of my life came when the postal rate went up," he would later state, only half in jest.
- There's many a true word spoken in jest, but there must be lessons here to help them all awaken from the financial nightmare that the lending institutions have exacerbated.
- Only half in jest, Sharp and Vernikos at Ames suggest creating a research centre dedicated to space biology in the home district of an important politician.
- But in response to this Voltairean jest, the lonely, agonized, perhaps crazed man "made no answer".
- "Alas, poor Bronze Age Fred, I knew him; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy"
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