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Перевод: jet speek jet

реактивный; струйный;
гагат ; черный янтарь; блестящий черный цвет; струя ; реактивный двигатель; реактивный самолет; жиклер ; форсунка ; сопло; патрубок ; мундштук ;
брызгать струей; бить струей; выпускать струей; летать на реактивном самолете


  1. At last she came across a white man, nonchalantly lighting his cigarette from a twelve-inch flame shooting out of a gas jet, who was prepared to answer her question.
  2. Following Sealink's withdrawal from the route, Hoverspeed takes over today (April 11) with its fast SeaCat. 432 aircraft-style seats reinforce the illusion of travelling on a jumbo jet.
  3. When a resultant is radial, the body can take off, like a rocket or a jet engine.
  4. Abundance often lies less than half a day's jet flight from starvation.
  5. Finish off soaked filters by flushing with a hose or pressure jet or passing through a dishwasher.
  6. Refinements include adjustable pressure options, detergent feed, dead man's handle and attachments such as spray hoods and changeable nozzles which can shape the water jet from a fine pencil to a broad fan.
  7. Garland supplies a range of gas and electric models, including what it claims to be the world's largest selling fryer, the Master Jet MJ35.
  8. As he bent tenderly over it to examine the flattened tyres, a hand stuck a length of rubber piping out of the wash-room window and directed a jet of water down his neck.
  9. For soon enough their scholarly owner grew bored with his dragon studies - as well he might since his samples were such Poring dragons - and decided to investigate the secrets of the turbine jet engine instead.
  10. Thirteen and a half seconds after ignition, the booster motor falls away, and half a second later the jet engine starts propelling the missile for the rest of its flight.
  11. The Midland Air Museum, incorporating the Sir Frank Whittle Jet Heritage Centre, houses a unique collection of aircraft, engines, and supporting exhibits illustrating the fascinating story of the jet age.
  12. The equipment they used consisted of two concentric tubes leading to a horizontal jet, and an arrangement of bevelled wheels for turning the lump of lime.
  13. Israeli planes made the jet land at an airstrip in the plain of Armageddon, used by crop-dusting planes, to ensure it was not booby-trapped.

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