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Перевод: jetty speek jetty

черный как смоль;
мол ; пристань ; эркер ; выступ здания; закрытый балкон


  1. When he was tired of swimming he climbed a ladder to the jetty.
  2. On the jetty near the little lighthouse is a remarkably good restaurant.
  3. From there the vans would be collected by the ex-Great Central Railway Fish Dock tankers (a little outside cylinder 0 - 6 - 0 side tank locomotive of a short-wheel base design for working the tight curves on the docks) and pushed up the fish jetty for loading with fish for despatch to such places as Leicester and Banbury as part of the express fish train service offered by the railway.
  4. This is an ideal hotel as a base for sightseeing as the ferry/hydrofoil jetty is right next to the hotel.
  5. This job consisted of picking up thirty-six containers from the jetty Where they were being unloaded from HMAV Arakan (one of the two Army Landing Craft Logistic) and moving them to the container park.
  6. They hauled up their Norwegian colours, forbidden by the Germans whose only presence was an armed trawler, pulling away from a jetty and prepared to fight.
  7. Jetty, coastline walks and viewpoints.
  8. As we walked on to the jetty, I was watching carefully to make sure none of my trunks was left on board.
  9. The launch headed for Ardneavie jetty and Lucinda sighed contentment.
  10. The all-woman crew were bringing the launch in, leaping with fearless agility to the jetty and tying up efficiently, as though they had been born on boats and lived on them all their life.
  11. I left the aircraft in order to go for de-briefing but I got as far only as the jetty when an attack was made on the Sunderland by three Me109 aircraft.
  12. Behind us the nearly finished landing jetty scarred the primeval lump of fantastic volcanic and sea-wrought basalt rearing out of the sea.
  13. On either side of the lane that led to the jetty, creamy-white elderflowers scented the morning air and pale pink clover and forget-me-nots grew thickly, scorning the war, denying its existence.

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