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Перевод: jewelry speek jewelry

драгоценности ; ювелирное искусство; ювелирные изделия


  1. Many of the painted ceramics, stone carvings, pieces of metalwork, and jewelry are of native Elamite manufacture, while others are foreign-made.
  2. To make a living he worked at Sothebys for two years and then set up business selling Cartier objects and jewelry which involved travelling all around the world.
  3. Advise them not to bring jewelry or too much money.
  4. Ultimately, though, Live have a way to go if they are to find the rock niche they seek and "Mental Jewelry" - despite possessing a great level of enthusiasm and commitment - is not representative enough of any one particular musical genre to fully captivate a specific audience.
  5. HAVING SOLD 200,000 copies of this LP Stateside, Pennsylvanian four-piece Live must be full of hope that "Mental Jewelry" will see them emulate Nirvana in providing a fresh and exciting rock/pop crossover in Britain.
  6. Mental Jewelry
  7. "Mental Jewelry" does have its finer moments, like on the moody "Good Pain" and "10,000 Years (Peace Is Now)" which has a surprisingly unembarrassing "all aboard the freedom bus" sentiment.
  8. The jewelry stall would, for instance, like any unwanted item of jewelry which anyone may have.
  9. On her jewelry?
  10. We can see bits of jewelry heaped in her night-table drawer.

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