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Перевод: joy speek joy

радость ; веселье; удовольствие; утеха ;
радовать; веселить; радоваться; веселиться


  1. No matter how many things seem to be working against us we are, ultimately, responsible for our successes and our failures, our sadness and our joy.
  2. The words also speak of the joy and fun of friendship, of looking into a pool of knowledge, of drinking and lastly of a tender farewell.
  3. Oh, what joy!
  4. "We shall walk barefoot and dusty and alone and suffer many things, and within our sufferings we shall find the pearl of great price, the untarnished joy, the secret treasure, and we shall find it because he is a pure saint and the bravest man in the world and I am a simple singer robed in humility, one risen from the dead"
  5. The joy of the Christian life is that God recognizes and accepts my uniqueness, much more than my parents could ever have done.
  6. A new industry minister, Victor Joy Wa, took a third tack, announcing to startled industrialists that he will do away with all privileges for all manufacturers save exporters, who can expect reimbursement of taxes that "should not be exported".
  7. So Brenda had the joy of helping the Brownies move in to their Pack holiday house and looking all over it with them.
  8. But I could see with my inner eye the form of my Lord Krishna, seated before Arjuna in the chariot on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, and I heard the sublime thoughts, and this filled my eyes with tears of joy and love.'"
  9. If Dave has no joy with the local highway authority, he could try enlisting the help of a local councillor, or a local branch of the Ramblers' Association might take up the case.
  10. othing you dismay The much foretold apocalypse Is now well under way Not even Mr Gorbachev Can stop the world's decay Oh, tidings of comfort and joy, Oh, tidings of comfort and joy We can't eat meat or hens or fish The farming is too cruel The only food we now permit Is foul organic gruel Irradiated food and veg Now double up as fuel Oh tidings of comfort and joy, Oh tidings of comfort and joy Now everybody wants a car Though noise and fumes are vile The Iron Curtain fractures and The jams stretch back for miles Mobility and liberty Cannot be reconciled Oh tidings of comfort and joy, Oh tidings of comfort and joy We think that greenhouse warming will Bring on the world's demise If forests burn it's not just trees but mankind too that fries But all this may be garbage Because scientists tell lies Oh tidings of comfort and joy, Oh tidings of comfort and joy Consumers must buy less to reach Sustainability For galloping consumption is More lethal than TB So much for Third World dreams of fleeing Grinding poverty Oh tidings of comfort and joy, Oh tidings of comfort and joy Unless we stop producing kids The planet will not cope No hope for birth controllers short of Kidnapping the Pope But since the Greens recycle people they May turn us into soap Oh tidings of comfort and joy, Oh tidings of comfort and joy In searching for clean energy The choice is pretty stark The floods that come when coal is burnt will keep us in the Ark But had Lord Marshall got his way We'd all glow in the dark Oh tidings of comfort and joy, Oh tidings of comfort and joy Dumb animals are much preferrred To flawed humanity Ill-treatment of old people may Provoke insanity But culling seals and whales is judged The worst profanity Oh tidings of comfort and joy, Oh tidings of comfort and joy Now Mrs Thatcher goes bright green A highly suspect hue Her policies have after all Kept filth and squalor blue It's just another way she's found To tell us what to do Oh, tidings of comfort and joy, Oh tidings of comfort and joy With greenhouse gases, PCBs Sulphuric acid rain This fragile globe's environment Is <
  11. It is tragic that this tradition has ended, because the joy of making music is so much greater than the joy of just listening.
  12. Gabriel, the messenger of the Annunciation, had been an angel of life and joy; but the angel of death was a familiar and sombre concept in Christianity, as in Judaism and Islam.
  13. Tears come from the deepest emotions, from joy and beauty and often they are tinged with nostalgic sadness.

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