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Перевод: jobber speek jobber

человек, работающий сдельно; человек, занимающийся случайной работой; биржевой маклер; комиссионер ; брокер ; оптовый торговец; недобросовестный делец; предприниматель, дающий лошадей и экипажи напрокат


  1. "I know one jobber who spent his twentieth birthday in the slammer for throwing his VDU through a fifth-floor window on to the street."
  2. It bounced off the roof of another jobber's Porsche.
  3. In its place there emerged a dual capacity regime, whereby financial intermediaries could undertake the functions of both broker and jobber simultaneously.
  4. Both these positions entail a great deal of risk; going long produces the possibility of capital losses on the shares held, going short produces the possibility that the jobber may have to buy in the shares at a future date at expensive prices.
  5. He was here on sufferance as coach driver and odd jobber.
  6. The most significant of the changes was the ending of single capacity with its sharp demarcation between the function of broker and that of jobber and the creation of a number of gilt-edged market makers (GEMMs) able to act in the dual capacity of broker and dealer.
  7. The 1863-;67 register records 30 framework knitters, 2 framesmiths and 21 labourers; 9 men worked on the railways, 1 was a coal merchant, 1 a gas house keeper and another a gas fitter; the other craftsmen comprised 4 bricklayers and a brickmaker, 3 blacksmiths, 2 tailors, 2 shoemakers, 2 potters, 2 carpenters, a wheelwright, a cooper, a plumber and glazier, and a painter; the rest included 2 gentlemen, a clerk in holy orders, a surgeon, 3 farmers, 2 general dealers, 2 grocers, a draper, 2 cattle dealers, 7 butchers, a tripe dresser, a pig jobber, a fellmonger, 2 gardeners, 2 grooms, a coachman and 2 commercial travellers.
  8. In the late 19th century businesses were varied - tailor and insurance agent, saddler and parish clerk, carrier, shoemaker, wheelwright, pig jobber, taxidermist, doctor, grocer, miller, blacksmith, bricklayer, butcher, cattle dealer, five farms, market garden and three public houses.
  9. In 1859 Thomas Storey is listed as a "Pig Jobber".
  10. In practice, a wide variety of questions may be used during a sales interview (DeCormier and Jobber, 1989).
  11. It was believed that under the proposed arrangements brokers would accept deals that they had not "matched" through a jobber, with the result that jobbers would probably receive less business and find it more difficult to compete.

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