Перевод: July
[прилагательное] июльский; [существительное] июль
- In July 1991 the Agricultural Commissioner, Raymond MacSharry, produced the most radical plan for reform since the CAP was introduced nearly thirty years ago.
- Mr Major is already under enormous pressure to ratify the Maastricht treaty in Parliament by July this year.
- It was extremely disappointing to read your news story entitled "Unfriendly Wales" ( Caterer , 4-;10 July), and I am led to wonder where Tom Harrison chose to walk in the principality.
- 29 July 1981.
- The worst case was in July 1989 when an alternator set fell off at around 100mph at Harrow on the main line into Euston and caused a major derailment, fortunately with no more than a few injuries.
- As planned, the military rising commenced in Spanish Morocco and the Canary Islands on 17 July 1936.
- In July 1985 two serious disturbances occurred in Handsworth, but both were played down and went unreported in the media.
- The whole weary process started again in Auckland in July and continues today at Central Park where Great Britain meet New Zealand in the third British Coal Test.
- Ian Taylor, Conservative MP for Esher, signs a letter for the Amnesty India Campaign at the Clayton Flower Show in July.
- (3 July 1778) And to Bullinger:
- In Italy, Giuseppe Garibaldi, had campaigned for the unification of his country for many years, gaining Venice from the Austrians, and established Victor Emmanuel as King of Italy, but it was not until 1870 that a march on Rome overpowered the French and Papal troops, and establish a united Italy with Victor Emmanuel as King in residence, in July 1871.
- The test of outrage was also considered, and was countered by evidence that in the two years from July 1973 to June 1975, the film had been shown in 475 cinemas before an audience of approximately one and a half million people without a single complaint to the police or any local authorities until the present case.
- A 10-day course for novices is to be held at The Old Rectory, Fittleworth, Pulborough, Sussex, RH20 1HU (079882 306) from June 26 - July 6; the price is from 405 including full board.
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