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Перевод: judicial speek judicial

судебный; судейский; законный; рассудительный; способный разобраться; беспристрастный


  1. One experienced judicial official commented that evidence in cattle stealing cases might be recorded on a stereotyped printed form to be used by judges and magistrates.
  2. It could even be argued that in the special circumstances of colonialism the judicial system was biased against mainstream groups in order to increase the state's control over them, and that in fact the poor and marginal, as in all societies, committed most crime.
  3. Judicial authority for this is provided by the case of City of London Corporation v Secretary of State for the Environment and another.
  4. He argued that, although courts of law exist to determine rights and departments of state are charged with the implementation of policy, court judgments can be viewed as the expressions of judicial conceptions of social policy and departmental policies do not in general ignore the issue of private rights.
  5. First, the circumstance that criminal law exhibits some particularly interesting judicial techniques of lawmaking which must be relevant in any account of judicial process which purports at least in part to be descriptive, rather than purely normative.
  6. All the above suggests that serious consideration should be given to abandoning judicial practices which protect the accused from arbitrary or unjust conviction, or which ensure they receive the benefit of the doubt, and exploring alternative judicial principles more relevant to prosecuting (and convicting) corporations and their officials (Friedman 1979).
  7. It also suggests the possibility that demonstrators fall foul of the law in the magistrates' court in ways which may never afterwards be given thoughtful re-examination at a more senior judicial level.
  8. Laski's study of judicial review is particularly interesting since its primary focus is a study of Roberts v.
  9. But Norris has given a further and suggestive explanation: "The possession of a written Constitution whose principles are yet open to all manner of far-reaching judicial review gives a political edge to questions of textual and interpretative theory that they do not have in the British cultural context."
  10. Classification of functions fell into disrepute because the classifications were often applied mechanically and without it being asked whether judicial review ought to be available, or whether the rules of natural justice ought to apply as a matter of fairness or policy.
  11. On the other hand, the extent to which judicial decisions can influence patterns of social behaviour must remain an open question.
  12. Nor should remedial discretion be used as a way of discouraging applications for judicial review in order to reduce the Crown Office List to manageable proportions.
  13. This criticism is part of a wider attack on the use of classification of functions as a criterion for deciding issues such as the availability of judicial remedies to control administrative action (the remedy of certiorari was at one time said to be available only if the decision-maker was under a duty to act "judicially"), or the applicability of the rules of natural justice in particular circumstances (sometimes said to apply only to "judicial functions").

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