Перевод: justifiable
[прилагательное] могущий быть оправданным; законный; позволительный
- I suggested that starlings had probably been in Australia longer than his family, and if his argument was translated into human terms then an aboriginal would have a justifiable right in hoisting a spear into his chest.
- I think one of the justifiable criticisms of Radio 3 - though not of my predecessor - is that it has come across as being too much about itself.
- If Fforde was describing the phenomenon whereby late Victorian and Edwardian commentators frequently used both terms to describe anti-individualism, this would be justifiable.
- When data is not available from published statistics, studies, existing reports and other secondary data, move on to direct collection of information (primary data), if this appears justifiable on cost/benefit grounds.
- MASERU (UPI) - The chief magistrate in Lesotho ruled that the killing last December of a student by Lesotho's ruler, Major General Metsing Lekhanya, was justifiable homicide.
- It is considered justifiable to let off bombs in Britain and kill innocent people, blaming Arab countries, if that helps Israel.
- This enabled the banks to pull out on the grounds that involvement was not commercially justifiable.
- The criminal law can respond to it as a tolerable and justifiable exception to basic criminal law rules developed long before ventilators ever existed.
- An inquest jury, rapidly assemble in a nearby inn, returned a verdict of "justifiable homicide".
- When an American member of the International League for Civil Liberties is shot dead in a police ambush, the killing is explained as an unfortunate but justifiable occurrence in the war against terrorism.
- If the school refused to reschedule the trip, would this amount to unlawful indirect discrimination, or would the school's decision have been "justifiable"?
- Jazz's dark inscrutable eyes could well be hiding - Hoomey thought - a far more justifiable amazement at the figure before him.
- What begins in justifiable enthusiasm for a good end (stopping Communist penetration of this hemisphere is a good end) can easily overlook the need to proceed by ponderously lawful means.