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Перевод: keen speek keen

острый; резкий; трескучий; пронзительный; обостренный; проницательный; тонкий (о слухе); глубокий; напряженный; сильный; энергичный; интенсивный; сильно желающий; стремящийся; ревностный; строгий; жестокий; трудный; низкий; сниженный;
плач по покойнику; причитание по покойнику;
голосить; причитать


  1. Can I come with you?" by people who were keen to see what happened and who were prepared to treat it as a spectator sport.
  2. He had keen eyes and quick hands, so it was a long time before he got caught.
  3. Apart from ice-skating and hockey in my youth, I was not keen on participating in sport, but the sight of skiers gliding over the unmarked hills of newly fallen snow was enticing; so when the actor Jack Bowdry invited me to have a go at the ski-run atop Grouse Mountain, across the inlet from Vancouver, I agreed with alacrity.
  4. Charlie was dead keen on Lilian doing him credit and she always did, always looked as if she'd just stepped out of a bandbox.
  5. Although prices have not been announced, Land-Rover is said to be keen that the turbodiesel Discovery should undercut the 17,859 Mitsubishi Shogun five-door turbodiesel.
  6. I'm not one hundred percent sure Derek is really keen.
  7. The Agricultural Society are particularly keen to hear from cycling organisations this year as part of their campaign to encourage more visitors to cycle to the showground.
  8. "With his business training and keen sense of duty, he makes an admirable country gentleman; on all Boards, on all Committees, on all Councils, in politics, and generally in affairs, he is to be counted on and depended upon; he brings an admirable sense of rectitude and a very kindly heart to bear on public business.
  9. What did Kenyon, not a keen follower of the game, make of the decision that music will have to make way for Test Matches on Radio 3's only waveband?
  10. Dyson was a beguilingly witty man, handsome and bright-eyed, whose talk was a flow of fantasy, keen literary appreciation and occasional learning.
  11. The Private Secretary - Michael Marsden, he remembered with an effort - signalled them from the door and McLeish moved forward, keen to see what the kingpin of this row of skittles looked like.
  12. It is widely believed that Mr Holmes a Court, the so called Perth predator, is keen to buy Dalgety's extensive Australian land interests.
  13. Racing: Scudamore and punters are keen on Bonanza Boy.

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