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Перевод: knitting

вязание; вязанье; вязаные вещи; вязаное изделие; трикотаж


  1. BELOW: Dunkirk Mills, one of the most magnificent mills in the county, when used for hosiery knitting and stick manufacture.
  2. From the rear verandah, Gran Keith called them for lunch, still with her knitting in her hand.
  3. When knitting, if you suspect needles of being faulty, you can pick them out more easily while the knitting is on the machine.
  4. After reading an article in your recent issue regarding older knitting machines, I would be interested to know if any of your readers could supply me with the correct manual for the KH585 as there do seem to be some differences in the controls of the two models.
  5. Peg ceased her knitting and raised her head.
  6. Never not knitting something.
  7. Slowly, but surely, the machine knitting project is taking on a life of its own.
  8. Slip stitch can also be used to knit three and four colours into the same row of knitting.
  9. Until the rise of factory industry, framework knitting was a cottage industry, and in Calverton (in Windles Square and elsewhere), Ruddington ( q.v. ) and many other Midland towns and villages, knitters' cottages can still be seen.
  10. This is not so with fine lace, of course, because the stitches never leave the original needle, but can happen when knitting normal lace.
  11. Her mother sat by the fire, her knitting lying in her lap, eyes closed and spectacles slipped down her nose.
  12. Husband and wife pass, the wife either spinning or knitting; for the island economy depends on sales of its fine weaving and knitting.
  13. I closed my eyes and conjured up my whispering vision: the great log fire, the rocking chairs, Somebody knitting and listening, me talking.

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