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Перевод: liberation speek liberation

освобождение; выделение


  1. This is guaranteed by the National Liberation Council of Yugoslavia, as well as by the National Liberation Council of ipnija with which it is closely linked.
  2. Our goal is animal liberation.
  3. Its five books re-tell and overlap the ancient stories of how God created Man and after generations of wandering around living a life which makes Wild West movies look tame, there was captivity in Egypt and then liberation to the Promised Land.
  4. Until Palestinians learnt to rely upon themselves and their own productivity, implying a withdrawal of both custom and labour from the Israeli sector, there could be no hope of liberation.
  5. Jina - meaning "conqueror" in the sense of one who has conquered his own duality to obtain balance, liberation and wisdom.
  6. The duty of the people of the West Bank was to await liberation through armed struggle.
  7. The Eritrean People's Liberation Front stands for secession (following a referendum) of its own relatively developed region.
  8. The uncontrolled liberation of fusion energy has existed for 40 years, ever since the detonation of the first thermonuclear or "hydrogen" bomb.
  9. As a political, rather than psychological, phenomenon, national liberation and nationalism concern first and foremost the State - the aspiration to create a State, or the defence or expansion of an existing State.
  10. In the 1970s, the WCC launched a programme to combat racism and, as part of that initiative, gave money to a number of African liberation movements.
  11. The story is of ersatz oppression and liberation, oppression by domesticity and chips in suburban Liverpool, liberation by sunshine and retsina on a Greek island holiday.
  12. Both explored the breakup of wartime solidarity, the liberation of former restraints on individual selfishness and the irruption of dark, subversive and irrational forces to tear down the cosy myths so assiduously cultivated during wartime.
  13. Variety thought that the "fact that so many of these gags depend on ill-concealed misogyny soon stifles the laughs that flowed more easily in a pre-women's liberation era.

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