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Перевод: limitless speek limitless

безграничный; беспредельный


  1. The wonders of nature are limitless.
  2. These, accumulating during this second period created an almost limitless reservoir of units and it is this reservoir which can be regarded as being identified with the state of the Created God at the time of the dawn of civilisation.
  3. Every sort of love has a value of its own and the wonderful thing is that there is a limitless supply if we care to call upon it.
  4. Another tragic effect of this emphasis on "Anglican ethos" and the maintaining of the status quo by parish boundaries is the disincentive to leaders to stay and build a work whose multiplication is limitless.
  5. Once revved up to the standard, frenetic pitch of activity, one day becomes a limitless bank account with which you can do everything and anything.
  6. Rather, it constituted an almost limitless pool of cheap labour which could be hired on a casual basis in response to the expansion or concentration of the economy.
  7. The full moon now blazed down and the countryside looked limitless.
  8. Limitless potential is claimed by Advanced Design Electronics for its iD combined security and fire alarm system.
  9. Extrovert series are apparently limitless in growth.
  10. My own belief is that while the ordinary, naive world of facts is real, so are the emotional, the transcendent and the ideal worlds which are only a newer form of perception or area of thought and have scope for limitless extension.
  11. The foregoing hypotheses are capable of almost limitless expansion.
  12. Quantum chemistry has the potential to open up a limitless horizon of opportunity for chemists and mathematicians wanting to develop their understanding of the nature and scope of chemical bonding.
  13. The smaller T110, which stands on the workbench and carves pieces up to 18in tall by 10in diameter; low relief panels 10in wide and limitless length; and spindles 36in long by 8in diameter.

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